Net Zero Services

Achieving carbon neutrality is a matter of sustainability for every type of organisation.

As every organisation is unique in its operation so is the challenge of decarbonisation for each one of them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and there are many complications to address. Therefore EMC2 believes in a dedicated support for achieving net zero emissions.

EMC2 has developed a systematic process of delivering net zero which also ensures guaranteed energy and cost savings.

Net Zero 

Net Zero Programme
Our Net Zero Programe helps businesses to evaluate their greenhouse gas emissions, identify opportunities to reduce them and plan.Read More
Net Zero Tracking
Our Net Zero Tracker software is at development stage and will soon be available to all our clients.Read More
Net Zero Delivery
Net Zero Delivery Thanks to our design team as well as implementation support from external contractors who work.Read More

Net Zero Programme

Any remaining hard-to-decarbonise emissions can be compensated with certified greenhouse gas removals (GGR). These should be restricted to only certified methods of GGR, to increase confidence that the carbon is permanently removed. The company or organisation must make sure that only truly ‘hard-to-decarbonise’ emissions may be compensated.

We carry out a detailed analysis of your assets, buildings, processes and operations to establish your current carbon footprint. This is an essential starting point in developing net zero programme. We also take into account any existing energy and carbon reduction measures being considered or implemented.
Our evaluation activity is also assisted by a dedicated carbon footprint software to ensure accurate measurement of energy and carbon using government approved greenhouse gas emissions factors.

Our net zero consultants carry out gap analysis activity to identify opportunities for energy and
carbon reductions. The opportunities are prioritised based on payback periods, level of difficulty and
amount of greenhouse gases saved. This is unique to every organisation to meet their specific

Following identification of greenhouse gas saving opportunities, a net zero roadmap is established which details the required steps for achieving net zero and presents time bound targets that help with planning of resources and budgeting for the coming years.
The plan will include energy and operational efficiency programmes, , heat recovery, asset replacement with more energy efficient assets, on-site generation from renewable sources and offsetting schemes.

Net Zero Delivery

Thanks to our design team as well as implementation support from external contractors who work
together to implement net zero solutions. Where available, our design team also works with existing
onsite contractors to deliver net zero projects.

We have also partnered with financing companies who work with us to finance proposed solutions
for our clients at agreed terms.

Net Zero Tracking

Our net zero tracker software is at development stage and will soon be available to all our clients.
The software is designed to empower businesses to track the progress against pledged reductions
over time and dictate the necessary steps to achieve net zero objectives.

Our clients will also benefit from accurate reporting of carbon footprint using the software at set
intervals and as well as alerts on deviances outside of set allowances.